omg sorry! I'm so sorry!


The requested page was not found. I know this is my fault not yours since you just innocently clicked a link. Right?

Assuming you didn't intentionally type in something improper in the address bar, and assuming you didn't follow a garbage link from someone else's website then probably I deleted a page and forgot to remove this link or I moved it, or I've never actually made that page but I was planning to make it so I created a link.

In any case the page isn't here. I'm sorry. There's nothing you can do about it now except maybe go back to my home page and find something else to click. Good luck!

much love,


fyi m(。≧Д≦。)m is a crying , bowing japanese emoticon with hands, it is intended to convey show my abject shame.

For more apologizing japanese emoticons follow this link: apologizing emoticons. Do it. You know you want to.