The illustrious larcenies of Yyanu Nav

On Immersive Sexiles theives were required to report all burglaries, infiltrations, and attempts to the Admin. Over the course of her career in the game Yyanu made the following reports. (Horologist was the nickname of the server admin who received and read all the reports. I presume they then passed them on partially or otherwise to the victims of my nefarious deeds.)
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yyanu 03/29/2020

Theft report.

Horologist 03/29/2020


yyanu 03/29/

er take two: Theft report.
Yyanu retreated reluctantly from the Dark Sigil Pyramid. "Soon she tells herself". Suddenly directly in front of her a large shape loomed in the darkness. A crude hovel clearly constructed by a desperate exile. ((Varinia)) In a bit of pique at her defeat at the Dark Sigil she spitefully pries its door open. "Why even lock it?" She asks no one in particular. "I'd honestly be embarrassed to put even a latch on a door as crude as this". Once inside however her annoyance cools and she takes pity on the desperate stranger and only steals half of her bees, and pays for them with some scrap iron she'd been carrying for reasons that now escape her.
Clues: door left open.
Missing: bees (4). 30 iron ingots left in the chest. Other than that it's hard do anything to the pathetic hut that anyone would notice.

yyanu 03/29/2020

As a follow-up: after an even more humiliating fiasco at the Dark Sigil Yyanu fled up river again and found herself struggling, faint with hunger. Putting her pride aside she raided the muddy hovel once more. This time stealing all the eggs to sate her hunger; as well she took a few animal hides leaving some tanned leather in payment. Clues: the obvious signs of someone taking no effort whatsoever to conceal their presence. Again the door is left wide open.

yyanu 04/06/2020

Theft Report: Maeve's House
While making the long trek on foot from New Vanaheim to the Aqueduct Yyanu stumbled upon a homestead. Out of boredom more than anything she tried the door. It was open! Once inside she wondered if perhaps this place belonged to a witch. Peeking into some chests she found a few oddities that she felt belonged in her own collection. These northerners are so savage they probably don't even appreciate what they have. Not that Yyanu had the first clue as to the nature of the things she stole.
Taken: a fragment of power, some witchfire powder.
Clues: The only thralls about were tied to the wheel of pain and unlikely to know what was going on around them, however Yyanu's desert perfume---smelling faintly of sand and spice might have lingered a while.

yyanu 04/06/2020

Theft Report: Jin's House
On the run from Raven's Town where two failed lockpick attempts had attracted some attention, Yyanu ran into the woods. She couldn't go back to her own hideout for fear of leading the chase to her own hideout. Seeing an open archway into the workshop of a great house she dashed inside. The workshop was full of thralls bound to their tasks. In minutes she might be found out so she pretended to work at an armorers bench. After a while, she decided the chase was cold so she decided to look around. Some trusting fool had left a chest wide open.
Taken: Tears of the 2 Races or something, 2 shattered scourgestone pieces, and some green dreaming powder.
Clues: Well about half a dozen specialist thralls would have seen the thief dash in, tear off her clothes and start pretending to work at the armorers bench. So they might talk.
I trust no report is needed for Raven's castle because I went back again with new lock picks but got caught by Sigrun and had an hour long RP as a result.

yyanu 04/07/2020

Theft Report: Raven's Castle
Finally made it past a locked door today. Yyanu painstakingly prowled through the town, keeping to the shadowed sides of roofs and finally made it to the main house. Avoiding doors she thought might lead to a menacing white tiger (no need to repeat the disaster at Dark Sigil) she slipped into a room filled with thralls asleep at their work stations. She immediately spotted an interesting looking chest but hesitated and climbed a set of stairs to survey the room better. Finally, thinking it was safe she headed down to seek a prize beyond one last lock. But alas, the sun started showing through window. A dozing guard started to blink in her direction and she realized she was out of time. She dove for the door to avoid being locked in and let herself out down the cliff side. ((OOC the last Raven player logged out just as I tried to pick the chest)). Taken: Nothing Clues: Any one of the thralls might have noticed a lithe masked figure in purple slinking out of the room as the sun came up.

yyanu 04/07/2020

Break-in and snooping at the Messengers Library When Yyanu returned from the North after seeking but not obtaining an audience with the Queen she decided to seek out the Messengers in the hope that they held a special insight into the balance of power in the Exiled Lands. For the third time she perused the ancient texts and tomes in their library but was frustrated at not find what she sought. Overwhelmed with boredom and curiousity she slipped behind a curtain under a sign reading "Private" and discovered a locked door. She picked the lock and slipped inside. Once inside she cast her eyes around the room and settled on a battered but strong looking wardrobe. As she suspected it was locked with a stronger and trickier lock than its rustice appearance would have suggested. There must be something truly valuable in here she thought... in her eagerness she botched the lock and broke her last pick. Fearing discovery she hastily left the area. Only later did she check her kits and curse when she realized she must have left the broken piece of metal in the lock itself.
Taken: Nothing
Clue: broken lockpick jammed inside the lock (or perhaps fallen on the ground).

yyanu 04/20/2020

Theft report: (Late I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure the victim is defunct
Raided an unfinished sandstone house belonging to "Hera". Took some jewelry from an unlocked chest. Left via the roof which was not covered up. Clues, I left a note scolding the fool for building such an ugly house in my backyard.

yyanu 04/22/2020

Theft report. Not sure it's required, but I took a vaulting pole from an open crate belonging to Yael sitting in the wild just west of the great dam. The place has minimal security, just some crates and chests sitting on top of a landmark accessible by elevator. But I would have left footprints in the earth I suppose. There were lots of goodies in the crate but the vaulting pole looked like just what I needed on this particular trip.

yyanu 04/25/2020

Theft report:
Ravens castle. Yyanu wanted to pay a social call but felt insulted when no one answered the horn. Climbing up to the main castle she let her self in her usual door and flitted among the thralls like a shadow. Stolen: a glass of Frenzy Wine. Venturing further in she found "Alias Large Chest" and after several false starts managed to get it open. Surely the thralls suspected something ... perhaps they were afraid to acknowledge her presence. She does look rather terrifying in her jet black cultist robes. Once the chest was opened she took 4 viles of scorpion queen poison. Just to make a point. Bored, she leapt over the balcony and shimmied down her favourite cliff. Clues: possible observed by frightened thralls, one broken lockpick in a door on the lower level workshop.

yyanu 04/30/2020

Yet another pathetic report. Yyanu wanted to show off and brought a friend to the Raven's throne room. Left a note pinned to the great map of the North that read "Cordelia's Butt" ... then picked another lock and was attacked by a lion. Taken... nothing. Clues... blood all over the place. But Yyanu lived. Her kind friend pulled her to safety.

Horologist 04/30/2020

Good ;D

yyanu 04/30/2020

ty for reading all of these!